Wednesday, October 20, 2010
How to make anyone like you?
Have you been trying hard to make friends with no good results to show for all of your efforts?
If it seems that you have been trying hard to make friends, but that other people still don’t want to be your friend, you may have come to the conclusion that there’s something wrong with you.
That maybe you are basically unlikeable. Many of us go through such torment of self doubt, especially during our teenage years, when teens are often the victims of vicious bullying from their peers for no reason at all.
If you feel as if the people you are trying to befriend don’t like you, the first thing you must do is to ask yourself: Do you have any real evidence that others don’t like you?
Or are you just imagining the worst because you are always very harsh with yourself? People who have low self-esteem, or who are suffering from depression, are often convinced that others don’t like them, even when there is no evidence for their negative belief.People who have a poor self image can be surrounded by others who like them, care about them, and enjoy their company; yet because these people don’t believe they are worthy of being liked, they are convinced that no one else likes them either.
So, if you are feeling as if nobody likes you, try to find out if there is some real evidence that others don’t like you, or whether you are just being very negative in your opinion of yourself. On the other hand, there are times when it’s not just your imagination that others don’t like you. It might be really true that most of the people you meet are consistently rejecting you, even when you make social overtures and try to be as friendly to them as possible. There are many reasons this can happen.You may have moved to a society where the people are very tight knit with each other, and they don’t open up to newcomers easily. You might be surrounded by people who automatically dislike people of your particular religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation, skin color, or bodily appearance.
You may be surrounded by people who reject you because the clothes you wear are not the latest and most expensive fashion. In high school years in particular, many teens are strongly conformist, and can be very cruel to those who seem to be different from the norm.Sadly, some people never grow out of the stage of judging others for trivial and superficial reasons. If you are really are being rejected by others, it is important that you don’t make the situation worse by attacking yourself.
This will only make you feel worse, and will make you lose confidence in approaching new people in the future. Saying negative things to yourself could start you on a downward spiral of self-doubt and self-hatred.
Or you might turn your anger outwards in a spirit of bitterness and revenge towards other people. This is not a solution that will win you friends or peace of mind. It’s also important to take a good, hard look at yourself and the way that you interact with other people.There may be specific behaviors that are causing others to dislike you, and these are behaviors which you can change. Ask yourself the questions on this checklist. If it looks as if any of these behaviors are a problem for you, it’s very likely that if you change this behavior, that other people will like you better.
1. Are you always very negative and complaining all the time? Most people find this habit very annoying.2. Do you actively participate in conversations with others? Or do you hold back and let other people do all the work in making conversation. If so, learn to improve your conversational skills so that talking with you is an experience that others look forward to.
3. Do you endlessly talk about yourself and show little interest in the people you are talking with? Other people will become bored with you very quickly if you seem only interested in yourself.4. Do you try too hard to please others, always agreeing with everything that they say, and never having any opinions of your own? People won’t respect you if you don’t respect yourself.
5. Do you often say things that hurt the feelings of others and then say it was just a joke? Do you say mean things behind other people’s backs? No one will trust you if they think that you are basically an unkind person. If you want to make other people your friends, it’s very important that you don’t give up on trying.Keep approaching people, keep trying to make conversation. Get rid of your bad social habits if they are getting in the way of friendship. If you are being given the cold shoulder by many of the people you encounter, particularly in your school or workplace, keep looking elsewhere for people you can confide in and befriend.
You can try in your church, in your community, and in your own family. Work on developing the talents and good qualities within yourself so that you can appeal in a new way to other people with whom you will have more in common. Continue to actively search out other people who will like you and accept you.------
"How to Save Your Marriage and Stops ALL the Cheating! (FREE Videos, reports and templates for YOU (Value >$297!!!)" To get the FULL version of the program, go here!
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"Know What Men Want From You! (Get inside your boyfriends or husband's mind and know instantly what they want in their relationship and life today!)"
"How to Attract Women! (Know how to push BOTH her emotional and physical HOT buttons and GROW her love for you instantly. Know what women want! RARE knowledge!!!)"
"Attract A True Love Secrets! (Use the strategies HERE if all you want is to find, attract and KEEP your Mr or Mrs Right!!!)"
FREE Rare Book "Message Of A Master" has changed thousands of lives from all the world over! Get your copy free today!
Labels: approaching, approaching new people, make friends, make people like you
Could it be we love people who have a great sense of humor?
For years I heard woman after woman say after obviously falling in love, "He's so funny! I just love that about him." Often after someone has lost a family member, they'll say "I'll always remember her smile, the way she laughed, the little jokes she would tell to lighten the mood." Could it be we love people who have a great sense of humor?
I've always thought so. And now we have scientific proof of what many of us long suspected. Humor is one of the things we enjoy most about life and, frequently, the people we love are the ones who make us smile. Fortunately for those of us who probably aren't that funny, humor is most often in the eye of the beholder.
The guys at work may not laugh at your wise cracks, but if SHE laughs, well that's all that matters. For a long time, nobody in the scientific world knew much about humor. But during the past 20 years, more and more research has been done. We know what parts of our brains deal with humor.We also know when a baby starts to develop a sense of humor. So don't hesitate. Let your funny bone show through!
* When you think something is funny, don't be afraid to let it out. Just think first if your remark might be taken the wrong way by those in earshot. Humor is great -- foot-in-mouth is less great.*Use humor to ease uncomfortable situations. When the mood starts to get tense, an appropriate chuckle and humorous side remark can get everyone back on track.
* If you're not naturally funny, read cartoons, joke books, the laugh lines at the back of Reader's Digest, and pay attention to how script writers set up funny situations on TV.
You CAN learn to be more humorous than you are. Pay attention to humor and your sense of humor will develop. Above all else, be someone who APPRECIATES humor.
Try not to make someone feel bad when you don't find their attempt at humor to be all that funny. As long as the humor isn't in grossly poor taste, give your humorist a smile. And be one who isn't afraid to chortle and guffaw when someone really pushes your funny button.A good laugh can be the best medicine you've had all day.
"How to Save Your Marriage and Stops ALL the Cheating! (FREE Videos, reports and templates for YOU (Value >$297!!!)" To get the FULL version of the program, go here!
"Get Your TRUE LOVE on Demand! Finding your love should be effortless if you use the lessons we are revealing in HERE! Restricted materials that are hard to come by, if you are trying to attract a man or a woman, THIS is for YOU!"
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"How to Win A Lover Back! (Get your FREE Video tutorial valued more than US$67, helps one of my male reader gets his girl back!"
"Know What Men Want From You! (Get inside your boyfriends or husband's mind and know instantly what they want in their relationship and life today!)"
"How to Attract Women! (Know how to push BOTH her emotional and physical HOT buttons and GROW her love for you instantly. Know what women want! RARE knowledge!!!)"
"Attract A True Love Secrets! (Use the strategies HERE if all you want is to find, attract and KEEP your Mr or Mrs Right!!!)"
FREE Rare Book "Message Of A Master" has changed thousands of lives from all the world over! Get your copy free today!
Labels: Could, ex lover, great, humor, laughter, love advice, people, sense
Broken Heart: Why would my lover hurt me?
A lover, who claims to love, can never hurt his/her beloved. Love demands that you care utmost for your beloved. You are concerned about their feelings. You make them as comfortable as possible.
You keep them as happy as possible. You help them fulfill their dreams. You encourage them during tough times and you are always there for them. If you don't do this, there will be nothing called as love.
The definition of love includes the qualities I mentioned. This does happen. In many relationships it happens all through the life. Such couples need not worry to know about heaven. Their home is heaven. But in some relationships, if a lover wishes to break away for any reason including feelings of being treated unjust, the results will be harrowing. Let us look at what will happen.As the lover who wishes to break away remembers all the investments she/he did for the love, she will feel that all has gone waste. All my sacrifices are in vain. I did so much for many years, and now what is the result? This frustration and anger is directed towards the partner.
At that time the lover who is breaking away forgets that worse will happen to one she or he will be leaving. Only selfish thoughts occupy the mind. This is the tragedy of such love. The one who is left behind might have made more sacrifices and given a lot more for love. He/she gets bewildered at why this break up is happening? It is like a sudden earthquake. That is why I asked, that if you love someone why hurt?------
"How to Save Your Marriage and Stops ALL the Cheating! (FREE Videos, reports and templates for YOU (Value >$297!!!)" To get the FULL version of the program, go here!
"Get Your TRUE LOVE on Demand! Finding your love should be effortless if you use the lessons we are revealing in HERE! Restricted materials that are hard to come by, if you are trying to attract a man or a woman, THIS is for YOU!"
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"How to Win A Lover Back! (Get your FREE Video tutorial valued more than US$67, helps one of my male reader gets his girl back!"
"Know What Men Want From You! (Get inside your boyfriends or husband's mind and know instantly what they want in their relationship and life today!)"
"How to Attract Women! (Know how to push BOTH her emotional and physical HOT buttons and GROW her love for you instantly. Know what women want! RARE knowledge!!!)"
"Attract A True Love Secrets! (Use the strategies HERE if all you want is to find, attract and KEEP your Mr or Mrs Right!!!)"
FREE Rare Book "Message Of A Master" has changed thousands of lives from all the world over! Get your copy free today!
Labels: broken heart, heartache, heartbreak, hurt, lover, would
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
How to talk to your boyfriend or girlfriend so they understand your intentions clearly!
Communication between partners often gets confusing, and there is a very good reason for this. Most of the time, the words we use have far less impact than the energy behind the words.
Therefore, what you say is often not what the other person hears. The energy behind a communication is determined by our INTENTION.
In much of the communication between partners, there are two different intentions that can motivate any given communication: we are often either intent upon controlling the other person, or intent upon learning about ourselves and our partner.The difference in energy between these two intentions is what frequently creates the confusion in communication. For example, in one of my phone counseling sessions with Joshua, he complained about the fact that his wife, Joan, often gets upset with him over seemingly minor issues.
A recent conflict had occurred over a book she was reading. He had asked her why she was reading that particular book, and she had responded to him with irritation.“Joshua,” I asked, “why were you asking her about the book?”
“I was just curious.”
“Go deeper,” I said. “Was there anything about the book that was threatening to you?”
“Well….yeah. It was a book about women and codependency.” “And what was threatening to you?” “I’m afraid of Joan pulling away from me.”
“So, which intent do you think was operating at that moment - the intent to control her or the intent to learn about yourself and her?”
“I guess to be honest, I have to say that I was wanting to control. When I think back on it, I think my tone of voice may have been blaming. Joan always tells me that she hates how much I try to control her, and I always think she is wrong about that. But I think I was trying to control her.”
“And she responded to your intent to control with irritation, which is what is happening frequently in your relationship, right?”
“Right. So what would I have said if I was open to learning?” “It’s not so much the words as it is the energy behind the words.
The energy behind the words, ‘Why are you reading that book?” is totally different when the intent is to control than when the intent is to learn. The same words can be said with a blaming, shaming edge, or with real caring and curiosity. It is your intent that determines the energy behind the words.
Joan was not responding to the words themselves, but to the blaming and shaming behind the words. This is what is causing the confusion for you regarding your communication with her. The exact same words can communicate two totally different things, depending upon the intent.
And the chances are that if you had not felt threatened by the book, you might not have even questioned her about why she was reading it.” “Yes, I can see where that is probably true. Okay, I got it. I’ve been trying to control her and that is what she is responding to, not to the words I’ve been using.” Joshua started to notice his intent.
Every time Joan got irritated or distant from him, he noticed that his intent was to control. It was a big challenge to shift out of trying to control her, since he had been doing this most of his life in all his relationships, but Joshua was very motivated to change. He knew that if he didn’t, he ran the risk of losing his marriage.
He started to focus on taking loving care of himself and his own feelings instead of trying to change Joan. As Joshua became more aware of his intent, he was able to consciously shift his intent from controlling to learning about taking care of himself.
As his intent shifted, the energy of his communications with Joan shifted, and their relationship greatly improved. Joshua was thrilled with the deeper understanding and intimacy that was growing between them.
Labels: boyfriend, clearly, girlfriend, intentions, understand
How to get more love, affection or romance from your boyfriend or husband?
Any woman can attract a better quality man or inspire the man she has to give her more love, affection and romance, by learning the truth about over nurturing.
What is over nurturing? It is doing too much in a relationship. Giving too much. It is the reverse of how a relationship works best for a woman.
Giving is what men are supposed to do. Women are supposed to receive the love, affection and gifts that men give, and then give love and affection back to them.
Though many of us have caught onto this, it is challenging to stop doing what we have always done, what we have been told is the way to do things, and to fly in the face of the fallout we fear. So I am going to tackle one little issue – Nurturing.
Nurturing is masculine. If you want to get what he wants to give, stop nurturing your man.
Radical as this sounds, try it. Stop doing. Stop giving. Stop massaging your husband or boyfriend's feelings. Stop helping your date do the relationship thing and let him flounder until he figures it out.
He will.
This whole concept of nurturing is a dilemma for most of us. We think of mothering, nurturing, caring for our young as a feminine aspect of ourselves. It is not!
Nurturing and caring for others may be a female trait – Motherhood is female – but it is still about action! Nurturing is about doing. Giving. Your energy goes out of you and toward or into someone else. When you give, you are acting from a masculine energy place.
We are so accustomed to the idea of nurturing being feminine, we get confused. We think being loving to our men is nurturing them. Massaging their bodies, minds and spirits. There is nothing wrong with the idea of nurturing, it is the form our nurturing takes that causes so much difficulty.
We are all composed of masculine and feminine (yin and yang) energies. We move through them fluidly at our best, and are stuck in one or the other at our worst.
But most of us are stuck at one extreme or the other. We either give too much all the time and then find ourselves resentful all the time, or we go the other way and make ourselves emotionally unavailable to our dates, our husbands, our boyfriends, and every man we meet.
Too often, our nurturing energies are perceived by men as mothering. Our actions seem intrusive. We seem to be judging them and finding them coming up short, otherwise why would they need taking care of? On the other hand, they love attention.
To strike some sort of balance when we are all so mightily out of balance, I am asking you to pull back to zero. To at least imagine pulling back to zero. The baby steps you actually take may seem huge.
When you stop doing for your man what he does not need you to do, yet has grown accustomed to your doing, may resent your not doing, and will certainly find himself relieved that you have stopped doing, things may get messy before they get better. But they will get better.This is all about over-functioning.
What does over-functioning and over-nurturing look like?
You come to the door the moment he gets home and ask him how his day went. You offer to massage his neck, his feet, his back because he looks so tired (even though you are just as tired.) Or you give your date directions to your house before he asks. And you invite him in and offer him something to eat or drink without even knowing what he has in mind for the evening. You offer to cook him a meal when he is barely taken you out to a decent restaurant.
You offer sex to your husband, without being asked, and even if you are not in the mood, because you figure you should. You ask him how he feels, and demonstrate concern for his feelings and moods.
This sounds nurturing, but it is not. It is mothering. Nurturing a grown-up is giving him what he wants, not what you think he needs. Nurturing a grown-up is not tolerating what you do not want. Not tolerating him treating himself badly or carelessly if it is damaging to you or his relationship with you, this means smoking, eating badly, not working, never leaving the house.
And you do it not by telling him what he needs to do and helping him do it, but by telling him how angry it makes you feel when it’s happening. Or telling him how good it feels when he does something that makes you happy. Let him figure out how to take responsibility for making you and the relationship happy – on his end of it.
This is feminine energy, the expression of honest-to-goodness feelings. All the care-taking and fixing and doing and massaging and concern is masculine energy in action, and it will get you nowhere near what you want.
Try it the feminine way. Stop nurturing a grown-up man, and start expressing your feelings moment by moment. The first time is scary – but then, you will see; you will wonder how you ever loved any other way.
"How to Save Your Marriage and Stops ALL the Cheating! (FREE Videos, reports and templates for YOU (Value >$297!!!)" To get the FULL version of the program, go here!
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"Know What Men Want From You! (Get inside your boyfriends or husband's mind and know instantly what they want in their relationship and life today!)"
"How to Attract Women! (Know how to push BOTH her emotional and physical HOT buttons and GROW her love for you instantly. Know what women want! RARE knowledge!!!)"
"Attract A True Love Secrets! (Use the strategies HERE if all you want is to find, attract and KEEP your Mr or Mrs Right!!!)"
FREE Rare Book "Message Of A Master" has changed thousands of lives from all the world over! Get your copy free today!
Labels: affection, boyfriend, husband, romance
Relationship Tips for Woman: how to romance your boyfriend or spouse?
Oftentimes we, as women, leave our needs unexpressed and wait for our husbands to just guess what to do. Many men honestly don’t know how to be romantic. And, when they do get up the courage to attempt romance, their efforts may not be expressed in a way that we appreciate or even recognize as romance.
Look how silly this sounds. If your son was attempting algebra and didn’t understand it, you wouldn’t cry because he didn’t love you. As a mom, we’d sit down, and go over it again and again, for as long as it took until he understood.
Yet, we expect our husbands to know something that they’ve never been taught. Instead of leaving your man to struggle, show him how to romance you. How will he know what to do if you don’t show him? So, how can you teach him how to romance you?1. Be romantic yourself.
If you show him that you value him and love him on a regular basis, instead of expecting him to be the romantic one, he’ll be more receptive to trying it himself. The old saying “You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” definitely applies. Yelling and crying because he isn’t romantic isn’t exactly going to put him in the lovey mood.2. Tell him what you like.
Do you enjoy expensive gifts or would you rather have him make something for you? Would you like him to go on walks with you? Give you cut flowers or live plants? Make a list of every birthday, anniversary and holiday and include ideas for things he can buy or do for you. Set him up to succeed.3. Learn what he likes.
The same thing stands for him. Know what makes him happy. Please don’t buy him an expensive gift if he’s the frugal type. He won’t like it. Don’t take him to a fancy French restaurant if he’s a Burger kind of guy. It’s ok to take him there for your birthday, but don’t take him there for his birthday.If he loves sports, then go to them with him. Please initiate romance. So often, women just get more and more resentful that they aren’t feeling romanced and their man has no clue what to do to fix it.
There really should be a required romance course before you can get your marriage license. At least that way, men would, at some point in time, learn how to be romantic. Until then, it’s our job to show him just what we want and need to feel special.Now go Romance Your Man!
"How to Save Your Marriage and Stops ALL the Cheating! (FREE Videos, reports and templates for YOU (Value >$297!!!)" To get the FULL version of the program, go here!
"Get Your TRUE LOVE on Demand! Finding your love should be effortless if you use the lessons we are revealing in HERE! Restricted materials that are hard to come by, if you are trying to attract a man or a woman, THIS is for YOU!"
"Is your lover the one for you? Find out using our breakthrough materials HERE!"
"How to Win A Lover Back! (Get your FREE Video tutorial valued more than US$67, helps one of my male reader gets his girl back!"
"Know What Men Want From You! (Get inside your boyfriends or husband's mind and know instantly what they want in their relationship and life today!)"
"How to Attract Women! (Know how to push BOTH her emotional and physical HOT buttons and GROW her love for you instantly. Know what women want! RARE knowledge!!!)"
"Attract A True Love Secrets! (Use the strategies HERE if all you want is to find, attract and KEEP your Mr or Mrs Right!!!)"
FREE Rare Book "Message Of A Master" has changed thousands of lives from all the world over! Get your copy free today!
Labels: boyfriend, relationship, romance, spouse, Woman
Monday, October 18, 2010
Satisfying relationships that your parents never showed you!
It seems as if creating successful relationships with our significant others and parenting children are two of the most difficult jobs we face and yet we get no formal training in either. It’s as if people believe that we are born with an inherent ability to do these two things.
Yet, look around us. In the US, the divorce rate is slightly over 50%! I don’t know anywhere but baseball where a 50% average is a good thing. Couples go through life getting along when times are good; and fighting with, ignoring, or leaving each other when things get tough.
Most people believe that to seek help with their relationships means to admit a certain kind of defeat that says something about who they are as a person.Or possibly, they believe that relationships are something we are just supposed to be able to manage on our own. Or, finally, some people believe that those out there helping couples can’t know any more than they do. After all, what’s to know about keeping relationships together?
Well, the truth is that there is a whole lot to learn when it comes to relationships. Unfortunately, the only training most of us ever receive is the passive learning we get through the modeling of the adults who live in our house with us and the media.Now, I don’t know about you, but my parents had only received the informal training they got from their parents, and they from my great grandparents and so on back through the generations. There is so much more to know about relationships than that! Also, my parents have helped support that 50% statistic cited earlier in that they divorced sometime around their 25th wedding anniversary.
What I learned about relationships from watching them is that couples never argue, especially in front of the children. On the surface, my parents had a very happy marriage but my father experienced a stereotypical mid-life crisis and suddenly questioned the meaning of “life” and decided marriage was holding him back somehow.In some ways, this type of training may have been as bad as those who have parents who argue all the time. Disagreements are a natural by-product of relationships. It is virtually impossible for two people to come together and create a life without some of their ideals, values, opinions or day-to-day activities coming into conflict with each other.
The question becomes how the couple manages this conflict. There are many things to consider when speaking about couples and their challenges and areas for growth and development. The first is compatibility.I know there is an expression that says opposites attract and I believe there is some accuracy in that statement when you think of attraction as that chemical interaction that occurs when two people meet and are attracted. This chemical attraction doesn’t care what the other person’s values are, what is important to him or her, the personality characteristics involved, or what either of you likes to do in your spare time.
Compatibility is a key for a successful, healthy relationship. Go to and take the free Assessment to determine your compatibility with your partner. A second consideration is simply that there are major differences in how men are in relationships compared to how women are.Women generally don’t understand men because the men don’t act like women and similarly, men don’t understand women because they don’t act like men. And since a woman has never been a man and a man has never been a woman, how does each learn about these important differences?
John Gray researched and wrote about these issues in his book, Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus. But I would say that the majority of people in relationships don’t take the time to learn about these gender differences. It is easier to point a finger and blame the other person for his or her “irrational” behavior.
As mentioned earlier, a third area of growth is learning how to manage conflict. There are time proven methods for resolving conflict that we don’t learn in school or from a book. There are ways to actually hear each other in relationships. By placing the relationship FIRST in importance, these methods can be implemented by couples to greatly improve their satisfaction.
There is so much to learn about satisfying relationships that your parents never showed you. Please don’t become one of the statistics of divorce or perhaps worse, stay in a miserable relationship to honor your marriage vows while having so many regrets about your life as the time ticks away.Take charge and take control of your life. Learn some new ways to improve the relationship you are already in or to prepare yourself for being a better, improved partner for the next person in your life.
"How to Save Your Marriage and Stops ALL the Cheating! (FREE Videos, reports and templates for YOU (Value >$297!!!)" To get the FULL version of the program, go here!
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"How to Win A Lover Back! (Get your FREE Video tutorial valued more than US$67, helps one of my male reader gets his girl back!"
"Know What Men Want From You! (Get inside your boyfriends or husband's mind and know instantly what they want in their relationship and life today!)"
"How to Attract Women! (Know how to push BOTH her emotional and physical HOT buttons and GROW her love for you instantly. Know what women want! RARE knowledge!!!)"
"Attract A True Love Secrets! (Use the strategies HERE if all you want is to find, attract and KEEP your Mr or Mrs Right!!!)"
FREE Rare Book "Message Of A Master" has changed thousands of lives from all the world over! Get your copy free today!
Labels: never, parents, relationships, satisfying, showed
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Missing Heart: What to do if you still miss some of your ex lover's qualities??
You are out from a long time relationship; no matter if she left you or you have left her.
You are free now to do what you want and to meet who you want, when you want.
After a while you feel that you are ready to get in a new relationship. You even have met a nice girl who looks like she is interested in you. Slowly, things are getting more serious and you get to know better your new partner.
But something is bothering you, and you don't know what it is. Than you realize that she is not
doing things like you were used to be done, she is not doing things like your ex used to make
them (it's not about all things, but those you loved at your ex).
Last days I have met a friend of mine I haven't seen for a long time. It was a surprise for me
when a nice girl comes to us, and he has introduced her like his girlfriend. I didn't know that he has broken up with his ex, which is a very sexy, feminine woman.
After, his new girlfriend left, I asked my friend what happened with his ex and how things are
going in his new relationship. He told me that he is in this new relationship for over 7 months, his
girlfriend is a nice woman and he has nothing to blame her.
But, something is missing. He was used to be with a very feminine woman, which enjoyed her woman qualities all the time. He confessed me that it is very difficult for him to get used to live
without some things which he has experimented before and he knows that does exist.
He also told me something that made me smile: 'If I could take my ex qualities and put them next to my new partner's qualities I would make the perfect women for me.'
But how good it could be if we would be able to make the perfect woman? Not so good as we all
think, believe me.
I say it all the time,
-- perfection is boring.
However, a person after a breakup has to think mostly to the reasons for the breakup with his ex and not to her qualities. I am sure that you have very good reasons to break up with a person which who you have spend years together.
Relief you from your past relationship and let your new girlfriend make you happy in her own way. Learn to enjoy your girl’s qualities and personality and don't make your ex girlfriend’s qualities a problem for your present or future relationships.
"How to Save Your Marriage and Stops ALL the Cheating! (FREE Videos, reports and templates for YOU (Value >$297!!!)" To get the FULL version of the program, go here!
"Get Your TRUE LOVE on Demand! Finding your love should be effortless if you use the lessons we are revealing in HERE! Restricted materials that are hard to come by, if you are trying to attract a man or a woman, THIS is for YOU!"
"Is your lover the one for you? Find out using our breakthrough materials HERE!"
"How to Win A Lover Back! (Get your FREE Video tutorial valued more than US$67, helps one of my male reader gets his girl back!"
"Know What Men Want From You! (Get inside your boyfriends or husband's mind and know instantly what they want in their relationship and life today!)"
"How to Attract Women! (Know how to push BOTH her emotional and physical HOT buttons and GROW her love for you instantly. Know what women want! RARE knowledge!!!)"
"Attract A True Love Secrets! (Use the strategies HERE if all you want is to find, attract and KEEP your Mr or Mrs Right!!!)"
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Labels: breakup, cheating boyfriend, dealing with breakups, ex lover, girfriend, missing heart, new relationships, relationship advice, relationship tips
You too can be creative enough to be romantic to your lover!
Why is it that so many people believe that they don’t have time or take the initiative to be romantic?
Maybe most people don’t believe that they are creative enough to be romantic. Everyone is creative! The definition of being creative is having the ability or power to create.
The word create offers a much broader definition than most people accept when it comes to the process of being able to come up with something original or simply well thought out.
Gifts that are considered to be traditionally romantic like candy and flowers are wonderful, but sometimes you need something that goes one step further. If your spouse enjoys flowers, you don’t have to settle for roses because they can sometimes become unexciting after a while!
Present him or her with something completely original such as a daisy or another flower where petals can be counted. Ask him or her to play the childhood game of ‘they love me, they love me not’ and watch them pluck the petals as they go.
However, don’t allow for the possibility of him or her arriving at the ‘they love me not’. Count the petals before you present the flower to your spouse and trim it so that there is an odd number of petals for the right outcome!
Arts and crafts used to be a fun break from the monotony of the school day, but believe it or not, it will come in handy when it comes to creative romantic gestures.
Instead of promising that you will love him or her forever, show them. Take a piece of paper, ribbon or other material you choose and write “I love you” on both sides from end to end.
Twist the paper 180 degrees and connect both ends of the paper until you have mad what looks like the figure eight. Tape or glue to ends together. You can present your love with a symbol that shows them your love for them is an endless love.
Creativity comes in many different forms! Being creative can mean creating an atmosphere. If you want to plan the ultimate romantic evening but funds are low or you simply don’t want to have to leave the house, shut down the electricity and imitate a power outage (it’s up to you whether or not you tell him or her!).
You won’t have any distractions or heat, so it is up to both of you to keep the other warm and entertain each other.
Maybe romance is on your mind, but he or she is going out of town. Did you know that people on airplanes are typically hopeless romantics? Any flight attendant would be more than happy to make sure that your spouse receives a special present after the flight has left the ground.
Simply approach a crewmember after he or she boards the plane and they are usually more than happy to oblige a hopeless romantic like you! (You might want to make sure that the gift is unwrapped or keep it to a single rose due to heightened security.)
Creativity doesn’t have to come in the form of gifts every single time. Gestures like getting up and dancing with your spouse when a special song comes on the radio is quite creative and incredibly romantic!
Whenever the mood strikes you, allow your creative juices to flow!
"How to Save Your Marriage and Stops ALL the Cheating! (FREE Videos, reports and templates for YOU (Value >$297!!!)" To get the FULL version of the program, go here!
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"How to Attract Women! (Know how to push BOTH her emotional and physical HOT buttons and GROW her love for you instantly. Know what women want! RARE knowledge!!!)"
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FREE Rare Book "Message Of A Master" has changed thousands of lives from all the world over! Get your copy free today!
Labels: find love, love advice, romance, romance advice
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Exposed: How are Men and Women Different?
Unfortunately, the simple act of communicating with one another can lead to confused messages, or messages being missed entirely.
This is especially true when it comes to communication between men and women. It is no wonder when there is conflict, when they interpret the same conversation in different ways.
This is because of the different conversational styles of men and women.
Many examples will stereotype male andfemale responses. There are many exceptions to the examples I have identified. Analyze how you feel or respond to situations; compare them to those described, and decide if you need to change anything in your communication style.
As women grow up, talk is the thread from which relationships are woven. They develop and maintain friendships by exchanging secrets, and regard talking as the cornerstone of friendships.
Men bond as intensely as women, but their friendships are based more on doing things together and do not require talk to cement relationships. Men converse to negotiate status; women to create rapport.
Men are comfortable telling people what to do; women do not like to pull rank, so request, rather than demand (which leads the men to believe they have the right to accept or refuse the request coming from a woman).
When conversing, women face each other directly, with eyes anchored on each other's face. Men sit at angles to each other and look elsewhere in the room, perhaps periodically glancing at each other and often mirror each other's body movements.
Men's tendency to face away from them when conversing gives women the impression that the men are not listening to them, when in fact they are. The only times men will really look for any length of time at the person who is
speaking are when they are trying to evaluate whether the speaker is lying or not; the speaker is hostile and they may have to take defensive action; or they are evaluating an attractive woman.
In this last case, they will glance over the woman's body while listening to her comments. This is highly distracting to the female speaker because the man's eyes mirror that he is not really listening to what she is saying, but rather sizing her up as a woman.
Another habit that gives women the impression men are not listening is that they switch topics more often. Women tend to talk at length about one topic; men tend to jump from topic to topic.
When a woman expresses her point of view, her female listener usually expresses agreement and support, whereas men point out the other side of the issue. Women see this as disloyalty and a refusal to offer support to their ideas.
Women prefer other points of view expressed as suggestions and inquiries, rather than as direct challenges or arguments. Men are more comfortable with an oppositional style.
Men expect silent attention and interpret constant listener noise as signs of impatience on the listeners' part. When men do not make listening noises, women may assume they are not listening to them.
Women make more listening noises such as "uh-huh ..." to encourage the other person. Men often believe these noises mean the woman agrees with him, when she may not agree with him at all. Because men do not make as many listening noises, women assume they are not really listening. Men are also less likely to make non-verbal signs of listening, and many continue doing whatever they were doing before the conversation began.
Women are more likely to nod their head more, give direct eye contact, and stop whatever else they may have been doing when the conversation began.
Women often overlap and finish each other's sentences (normally, neither is offended). Men clam up or react defensively when women do this to them, because they feel the woman is trying to take over the conversation.
Men feel it is rude to finish another's comments and shows lack of attention to what they are saying, but are more likely to interrupt with negative side comments.
"How to Save Your Marriage and Stops ALL the Cheating! (FREE Videos, reports and templates for YOU (Value >$297!!!)" To get the FULL version of the program, go here!
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"How to Win A Lover Back! (Get your FREE Video tutorial valued more than US$67, helps one of my male reader gets his girl back!"
"Know What Men Want From You! (Get inside your boyfriends or husband's mind and know instantly what they want in their relationship and life today!)"
"How to Attract Women! (Know how to push BOTH her emotional and physical HOT buttons and GROW her love for you instantly. Know what women want! RARE knowledge!!!)"
"Attract A True Love Secrets! (Use the strategies HERE if all you want is to find, attract and KEEP your Mr or Mrs Right!!!)"
FREE Rare Book "Message Of A Master" has changed thousands of lives from all the world over! Get your copy free today!
Labels: communication, communication between couples, how are men and women different, love advice, relationship advice, romance advice
Sunday, May 23, 2010
True romance isn’t just about flowers and poems!
Ah, romance, that wonderful and exciting feeling, that most glorious intertwining of two hearts. So intense, such a high, but so fleeting, and so often for so many once gone never to return. But does it have to be that way?
Can we intentionally create and sustain more romance in our lives?
Most folks profess to want more romance in their lives. Indeed, for some, romance is a goal unto itself, or at least high on the list of goals for their love relationships.
But if having romance in our committed love relationships is a highly prized goal, and if so many people want more of it in their lives, how can we create, cultivate, and encourage it? What concrete steps can we take to make sure that romance takes seed and flourishes?
We are here to explore the idea that romance begins in your heart-center and grows outward, and is, to some significant degree, a reflection of how you feel about yourself. In other words, by romancing yourself first you can create the conditions that allow you to experience and express romance with another more easily.
Listen: your capacity to love and accept yourself is the measure of your capacity to love and accept others. The same can be said for romance: your ability and willingness to create romance within is the measure of the romance you can help create in a committed loving relationship.
True romance isn’t just about flowers and poems. Flowers and poems are great, of course, but are really just an extension of a feeling that comes from within, something that starts in, and flows from, the heart.
Without that heart-felt feeling, flowers and poems are but an attempt be to romantic, not an expression of true romance.
So how do you create more romance in your life? Begin by romancing yourself. Love, accept, and forgive yourself on a deep level. Treat yourself with respect and understanding.
Buy yourself flowers. Write yourself a poem. Treat yourself with respect and dignity. And remember: if you don’t love yourself first, you can’t truly love another.
And remember that it is far more important to be the right person than to find the right person. Our relationships are a reflection of the relationship we have with ourselves. Romance, too, is a reflection of that inner state. By first creating romance within, you’ll be well on your way to creating more romance in your life.
"How to Save Your Marriage and Stops ALL the Cheating! (FREE Videos, reports and templates for YOU (Value >$297!!!)" To get the FULL version of the program, go here!
"Get Your TRUE LOVE on Demand! Finding your love should be effortless if you use the lessons we are revealing in HERE! Restricted materials that are hard to come by, if you are trying to attract a man or a woman, THIS is for YOU!"
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"Know What Men Want From You! (Get inside your boyfriends or husband's mind and know instantly what they want in their relationship and life today!)"
"How to Attract Women! (Know how to push BOTH her emotional and physical HOT buttons and GROW her love for you instantly. Know what women want! RARE knowledge!!!)"
"Attract A True Love Secrets! (Use the strategies HERE if all you want is to find, attract and KEEP your Mr or Mrs Right!!!)"
FREE Rare Book "Message Of A Master" has changed thousands of lives from all the world over! Get your copy free today!
Labels: find love, friend to lover, how to be romantic, romance
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Do you want to romance her, spark her libido and ignite her passion?

Do you want to romance her, spark her libido and ignite her passion? Then here are some romantic ideas and some romance supplies you should have:
1) Romantic Candles. Get the kind of candles that come in their own glass jar with a lid. They are safer than the tall candles, won't spill wax all over the place and when you put the lid on they go out without filling the room with smoke. Choose scented candles with mild scents like vanilla or melon - or your wife's favorite scent.
Here's a romantic idea: light them all around the living room - at night, get a relaxing drink and just sit on the couch and talk with her - run your fingers through her hair as you talk - and don't "expect" any action - if you remove the pressure, she will relax and come after you!
2) Romantic "I love you" Cards. Get about 15 different "thinking of you" and "I love you" greeting cards. Then - over the course of a few months, whenever you have the idea of leaving one in her purse or car or mailing one to her work, you can do it before you forget.
Just write a short personal note in each when you send it.
Here's a romantic idea: send her a card a day for a week and then personally bring flowers to her at work at the end of the week as a romantic surprise. She'll love it!
3) Romantic Bubble Bath. Get scented bubble bath for your wife - but don't give it to her - yet. The cucumber and melon scents are really relaxing. Romantic idea: make her a bath, use the romantic bubble bath and put some romantic candles (above) around the tub.
Then just leave and let her enjoy some peace (unless she asks you to join her). She'll melt with relaxation.
4) Romance Incense. Incense can really make your home smell nice and create a relaxing atmosphere. Some incense in really powerful - I personally don't like those.
5) A Blanket can be Romantic.
Keep a blanket in your trunk. That way, you can do spontaneous romantic excursions like stopping, laying on the blanket and looking at the stars on a clear night or just enjoy relaxing under a tree on a warm day.
6) Your Romantic Cell Phone. Yes - your cell phone can be romantic - just call her out of the blue just to say hi and "I love you."
Romance idea: send her loving text messages at random times in the week.
Try to do something small two or three times a week for her - such as send a card or note or a call or e-mail.
Try to do something medium for her at least once a week - such as bring home flowers or make a nice dinner. And try to do something big for her at least once a month - such as a full evening without kids that includes a nice dinner, a bath and a massage - all truly from your heart with no obligations attached.
Mix it up - make nothing routine.
Every once in a while, go a week or two without doing anything romantic except calling or e-mailing to keep contact. Then start romancing her again. She'll appreciate it more that way - it won't be the same old thing.
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FREE Rare Book "Message Of A Master" has changed thousands of lives from all the world over! Get your copy free today!
Labels: romance, romance advice, romantic ideas
Just what is on your lover's mind right now?

"How to Save Your Marriage and Stops ALL the Cheating! (FREE Videos, reports and templates for YOU (Value >$297!!!)" To get the FULL version of the program, go here!
"Get Your TRUE LOVE on Demand! Finding your love should be effortless if you use the lessons we are revealing in HERE! Restricted materials that are hard to come by, if you are trying to attract a man or a woman, THIS is for YOU!"
"Is your lover the one for you? Find out using our breakthrough materials HERE!"
"How to Win A Lover Back! (Get your FREE Video tutorial valued more than US$67, helps one of my male reader gets his girl back!"
"Know What Men Want From You! (Get inside your boyfriends or husband's mind and know instantly what they want in their relationship and life today!)"
"How to Attract Women! (Know how to push BOTH her emotional and physical HOT buttons and GROW her love for you instantly. Know what women want! RARE knowledge!!!)"
"Attract A True Love Secrets! (Use the strategies HERE if all you want is to find, attract and KEEP your Mr or Mrs Right!!!)"
FREE Rare Book "Message Of A Master" has changed thousands of lives from all the world over! Get your copy free today!
Labels: what girls want, what guys want, what is he thinking, what is on her mind, what is on his mind, what is she thinking, what men want, what women want
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