Wednesday, October 20, 2010


How to make anyone like you?

Have you been trying hard to make friends with no good results to show for all of your efforts?

If it seems that you have been trying hard to make friends, but that other people still don’t want to be your friend, you may have come to the conclusion that there’s something wrong with you.

That maybe you are basically unlikeable. Many of us go through such torment of self doubt, especially during our teenage years, when teens are often the victims of vicious bullying from their peers for no reason at all.

If you feel as if the people you are trying to befriend don’t like you, the first thing you must do is to ask yourself: Do you have any real evidence that others don’t like you?

Or are you just imagining the worst because you are always very harsh with yourself? People who have low self-esteem, or who are suffering from depression, are often convinced that others don’t like them, even when there is no evidence for their negative belief.

People who have a poor self image can be surrounded by others who like them, care about them, and enjoy their company; yet because these people don’t believe they are worthy of being liked, they are convinced that no one else likes them either.

So, if you are feeling as if nobody likes you, try to find out if there is some real evidence that others don’t like you, or whether you are just being very negative in your opinion of yourself. On the other hand, there are times when it’s not just your imagination that others don’t like you. It might be really true that most of the people you meet are consistently rejecting you, even when you make social overtures and try to be as friendly to them as possible. There are many reasons this can happen.

You may have moved to a society where the people are very tight knit with each other, and they don’t open up to newcomers easily. You might be surrounded by people who automatically dislike people of your particular religion, ethnic background, sexual orientation, skin color, or bodily appearance.

You may be surrounded by people who reject you because the clothes you wear are not the latest and most expensive fashion. In high school years in particular, many teens are strongly conformist, and can be very cruel to those who seem to be different from the norm.

Sadly, some people never grow out of the stage of judging others for trivial and superficial reasons. If you are really are being rejected by others, it is important that you don’t make the situation worse by attacking yourself.

This will only make you feel worse, and will make you lose confidence in approaching new people in the future. Saying negative things to yourself could start you on a downward spiral of self-doubt and self-hatred.

Or you might turn your anger outwards in a spirit of bitterness and revenge towards other people. This is not a solution that will win you friends or peace of mind. It’s also important to take a good, hard look at yourself and the way that you interact with other people.

There may be specific behaviors that are causing others to dislike you, and these are behaviors which you can change. Ask yourself the questions on this checklist. If it looks as if any of these behaviors are a problem for you, it’s very likely that if you change this behavior, that other people will like you better.

1. Are you always very negative and complaining all the time? Most people find this habit very annoying.

2. Do you actively participate in conversations with others? Or do you hold back and let other people do all the work in making conversation. If so, learn to improve your conversational skills so that talking with you is an experience that others look forward to.

3. Do you endlessly talk about yourself and show little interest in the people you are talking with? Other people will become bored with you very quickly if you seem only interested in yourself.

4. Do you try too hard to please others, always agreeing with everything that they say, and never having any opinions of your own? People won’t respect you if you don’t respect yourself.

5. Do you often say things that hurt the feelings of others and then say it was just a joke? Do you say mean things behind other people’s backs? No one will trust you if they think that you are basically an unkind person. If you want to make other people your friends, it’s very important that you don’t give up on trying.

Keep approaching people, keep trying to make conversation. Get rid of your bad social habits if they are getting in the way of friendship. If you are being given the cold shoulder by many of the people you encounter, particularly in your school or workplace, keep looking elsewhere for people you can confide in and befriend.

You can try in your church, in your community, and in your own family. Work on developing the talents and good qualities within yourself so that you can appeal in a new way to other people with whom you will have more in common. Continue to actively search out other people who will like you and accept you.


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Could it be we love people who have a great sense of humor?

For years I heard woman after woman say after obviously falling in love, "He's so funny! I just love that about him." Often after someone has lost a family member, they'll say "I'll always remember her smile, the way she laughed, the little jokes she would tell to lighten the mood." Could it be we love people who have a great sense of humor?

I've always thought so. And now we have scientific proof of what many of us long suspected. Humor is one of the things we enjoy most about life and, frequently, the people we love are the ones who make us smile. Fortunately for those of us who probably aren't that funny, humor is most often in the eye of the beholder.

The guys at work may not laugh at your wise cracks, but if SHE laughs, well that's all that matters. For a long time, nobody in the scientific world knew much about humor. But during the past 20 years, more and more research has been done. We know what parts of our brains deal with humor.

We also know when a baby starts to develop a sense of humor. So don't hesitate. Let your funny bone show through!

* When you think something is funny, don't be afraid to let it out. Just think first if your remark might be taken the wrong way by those in earshot. Humor is great -- foot-in-mouth is less great.

*Use humor to ease uncomfortable situations. When the mood starts to get tense, an appropriate chuckle and humorous side remark can get everyone back on track.

* If you're not naturally funny, read cartoons, joke books, the laugh lines at the back of Reader's Digest, and pay attention to how script writers set up funny situations on TV.

You CAN learn to be more humorous than you are. Pay attention to humor and your sense of humor will develop. Above all else, be someone who APPRECIATES humor.

Try not to make someone feel bad when you don't find their attempt at humor to be all that funny. As long as the humor isn't in grossly poor taste, give your humorist a smile. And be one who isn't afraid to chortle and guffaw when someone really pushes your funny button.

A good laugh can be the best medicine you've had all day.


"How to Save Your Marriage and Stops ALL the Cheating! (FREE Videos, reports and templates for YOU (Value >$297!!!)" To get the FULL version of the program, go here!

"Get Your TRUE LOVE on Demand! Finding your love should be effortless if you use the lessons we are revealing in HERE! Restricted materials that are hard to come by, if you are trying to attract a man or a woman, THIS is for YOU!"

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"Know What Men Want From You! (Get inside your boyfriends or husband's mind and know instantly what they want in their relationship and life today!)"

"How to Attract Women! (Know how to push BOTH her emotional and physical HOT buttons and GROW her love for you instantly. Know what women want! RARE knowledge!!!)"

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FREE Rare Book "Message Of A Master" has changed thousands of lives from all the world over! Get your copy free today!

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Broken Heart: Why would my lover hurt me?

A lover, who claims to love, can never hurt his/her beloved. Love demands that you care utmost for your beloved. You are concerned about their feelings. You make them as comfortable as possible.

You keep them as happy as possible. You help them fulfill their dreams. You encourage them during tough times and you are always there for them. If you don't do this, there will be nothing called as love.

The definition of love includes the qualities I mentioned. This does happen. In many relationships it happens all through the life. Such couples need not worry to know about heaven. Their home is heaven. But in some relationships, if a lover wishes to break away for any reason including feelings of being treated unjust, the results will be harrowing. Let us look at what will happen.

As the lover who wishes to break away remembers all the investments she/he did for the love, she will feel that all has gone waste. All my sacrifices are in vain. I did so much for many years, and now what is the result? This frustration and anger is directed towards the partner.

At that time the lover who is breaking away forgets that worse will happen to one she or he will be leaving. Only selfish thoughts occupy the mind. This is the tragedy of such love. The one who is left behind might have made more sacrifices and given a lot more for love. He/she gets bewildered at why this break up is happening? It is like a sudden earthquake. That is why I asked, that if you love someone why hurt?


"How to Save Your Marriage and Stops ALL the Cheating! (FREE Videos, reports and templates for YOU (Value >$297!!!)" To get the FULL version of the program, go here!

"Get Your TRUE LOVE on Demand! Finding your love should be effortless if you use the lessons we are revealing in HERE! Restricted materials that are hard to come by, if you are trying to attract a man or a woman, THIS is for YOU!"

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"Know What Men Want From You! (Get inside your boyfriends or husband's mind and know instantly what they want in their relationship and life today!)"

"How to Attract Women! (Know how to push BOTH her emotional and physical HOT buttons and GROW her love for you instantly. Know what women want! RARE knowledge!!!)"

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FREE Rare Book "Message Of A Master" has changed thousands of lives from all the world over! Get your copy free today!

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