Saturday, March 31, 2007
If You Tried The Secret & The Law Of Attraction
It’s a very exciting time. The Secret was on Oprah a few weeks ago. Even Larry King and Ellen have gotten in on the wave of getting what you want using Universal Laws and Principles.
Well as readers of our blog here, this is all old hat to you, however some of you may be struggling with using these principles for creating the love of your life and or some cash.
In my True Love on Demand book, I demonstrate how NOT to use the Law of Attraction as well as how to.
Once you get the code for using the law, especially when you read all the bonus materials we have included that give you key distinctions like using Vision vs Visualization, you will pretty much have the 411 on using “The Force”
In our new program A+SECRET we give you 2 other areas you must deal with if you are Using Universal Laws and Principles to Create the Life & Relationships of Your Dreams.
When I had lack of self love and a Subconscious Mind cluttered with programs that were dysfunctional and in essence sabotaging my good intentions and conscious thoughts and feelings I realized I had to deal with these 2 aspects of my being before using these powerful laws.
I went to a group run by one of my counsellors the other night and it was a room full of codependent folks.
Codependency is about putting other people's needs ahead of yours in a way that hurts you.
Now do you think these folks will have success using the SECRET or the Law of Attraction.
Well actually they will be able to use these laws but they will just bring in more situations where they will give give give and not get what they really want and get resentful, develop immuno suppression and eventually get sick or get breast cancer, suffer and maybe die in a decade or so.
Self Love means giving to yourself first in a healthy way that allows you to take care of yourself.
I had to learn that or I would be dead today and my email address would be
However lucky for me I woke up and smelt the coffee and learned about self care and self love before my sickness killed me.
When I first started to consciously use the Law of Attraction I found I kept creating duality.
What that meant essentially was I got mixed blessings.
Parts of what I asked for came in but were laced or mixed with stuff I didn’t like and I FOUND I KEPT CREATING THE SAME THEMES IN MY LIFE OVER AND OVER.
I wanted to get off the “merry go round” so I learned about the Subconscious Mind and learned a ton of systems to supposedly clean it out.
Well after playing around for years with many of these useless systems so I decided to build a better mouse trap and research and develop my own system which I must humbly report works wonders and is simple, easy and fun to use.
We teach this system in our A+SECRET program as well as our Therapist Training System.
Anyway my message this week is urge you to address your issues of “Self Love and the Limiting Beliefs, Programs and Patterns in Your Subconscious Mind before going to town with the Secret and or the Law of Attractions.
If you have any questions email me a
Warm Regards
~ Dr. Robby
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