Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Hi all,
Dr. Robby here to say hello and let you know that if you are searching for the Love of Your Life and you want to have the Relationship of Your Dreams its not only possible but it is part of our "Mission' in life to "Create the Life & Relationships of Our Dreams."
If you have read my "True Love on Demand" Book you will see that at one time in my life, I had difficulty even finding a Relationship and when I did get into a Relationship, it was dysfunctional and fulfilling.
I involved myself with unavailable, toxic partners but I didn't know any better what was the way to draw in my "highest and best" Ultimate Soulmate.
In fact I was suckered in by the concept of Soul Mate.
Let me explain.
I met this wonderful lady who was full of love and fun who looked dreamily into my eyes all the time and told me she was my Soul Mate and wanted me to be husband.
It turned out she was not available and as time went on she became more and more distant, although she told me constantly she loved me and i was her Soulmate.
I was using Visualization Techniques and Psychology to try to keep the Relationship together but I had no idea how I was wrongly using Universal Principles and feeding bad energy into the Universal Dream Machine.
If you read "True Love on Demand" you will find out how I used Universal Laws & Principles incorrectly and how that cause in fact very difficult times for me until I learned how to properly access and operate my Subconscious Mind and the Power of the Universe to Create True Love on Demand.
Today my life if very different.
I have my Ultimate Soul Mate and I am loved my many people who support me in powerful positive ways in all areas of my life.
I very much want for you reading to have all that I have and save the 15 years of pain and struggle it took me to learn all this information that you can understand, apply and integrate in your life ins just a few weeks.
I wish you success in all your endeavors and encourage to embark this journey the information in our books and audio can give you to "Create the Life & Relationships of Your Dreams."
Warm Regards,
Dr. Robby
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