Sunday, December 17, 2006


Secrets of creating your ideal soulmate relationship

If you are serious about seeking your Soulmate and determining WHO the ONE for you is, you'll want to get your hands on this information, which is up to date and has never been revealed anywhere else. Make the decision to kick-start your love life and relationship today!

In this report we want to give you an idea on how to discover and determine who is your Highest and Best Soulmate and how if they are not presently in your life to come into your New Subjective Reality.

For those of you who have not read any of our books or Attended one of our Tele or Live Seminars let us introduce ourselves.

We want to welcome you to the first part of our Report on Secrets of Creating your Ideal Life and Relationships

My name is Robby Bilton and my counter part and co writer is Melody Chase. Melody has written a very popular book entitled Love by Design where she answers the question Is the one you are with your Soulmate and if so how to Create the best relationship possible with them.

Both Melody & I work with Cucan Pemo who is the famous author of the best book on the Net that deals with “Saving Your Relationship” which is an Amazing Resource called

"Bring Back The Love of Your Life - A Potent 4-Step Strategy!"

The straight to the point book and series of resources will end your loneliness and ensure happiness. You can get it at

I have written the True Love on Demand book and I with Cucan Pemo have developed the Attract the Love of Your Life Program which published in the fall of 2005. Cucan is a well known Internet e-book writer and publisher and some of you have probably read or seen of some of her book other books

I am also the author and developer of the Counsellor in a Box system that documents a ‘do it yourself” home relationship counselling system based on what we do at the Centre.

Our LMC Relationship Centre is a division of the Centre for Life Management which is was a large Personal Development and Relationship Centre which we ran in Winnipeg for over 15 years.

We have helped thousands of individuals and couples find and create wonderful Relationships teaching them our Relationship Mastery and Attract Systems

The folks who read our books and work with us are all interested in Creating the Life and Relationship of their Dreams.

They are open to using methods that work and are not too shy to use any proven method to secure their souls wishes and dreams.


At various points in my life I have learned the “SECRETS” to access various levels of Power. Like a young Merlin’s’ Apprentice I dabbled with the Forces of the Universe and several times like a child learning to ride a bike have gotten a few bumps and bruises.

In my early days I was only aware of one or two of the 4 Levels of Power. I did not realize that we need all of them to Create a Life where we and specifically “You Can Have it All”


This is the level where most people in our world and society create results in their life. What people do is write down or describe a goal they want to reach and then upon writing it down, develop a plan of action and then take steps to achieve their objective.


Many sports stars, athletes and people into personal development use at this level the process of Visualization. They imagine on the screen of their mind what they desire. More advanced forms of this strategy involve making the visualization more “sensory rich” by adding color, making it bigger, creating movement and making it like a motion picture, adding sound, feel, smell and other things that would logically go along with the object of desire. Some more advanced practitioners adjust ones position of viewing by being in the picture and looking out thru your own eyes (associated state) vs. a disassociated state where one is viewing oneself in the picture of the desire at some distance.


In this level people use more advance Metaphysical Methods where they use feelings and vibration of what they intend. In my True Love on Demand System I demonstrate how feelings are actually more powerful when held in your being and body to draw what your heart desires.


Here is where you link everything together
Image & Feeling
Work with Vision & Visualization
Access Universal Laws
Clear The Subconscious
Create Value by increasing your Self Love & Relationship Mastery

I read about Universal Laws for years but I didn’t get how to apply them in real life situations like drawing in my Soulmate and making money.

As you combine our True Love on Demand System and Love by Design System with the Information we have detailed in our new book

The Secret to Creating the Life & Relationships of Your Dream where we detail how to Neutralize out your Subconscious Mind Field of dysfunctional patterns and programs before you access the Universal Attraction System and Machinery

Its easy to draw in your Ultimate Soulmate when you have achieved Mastery Level IV .

Its just a matter of doing the right things in the right sequence.

Its like doing renovations such as drywalling or ceramic tile installations you need the right materials and the right sequence of events.

If you have any questions on any of these areas write us at

~ Dr Robby Bilton

Powerful Love Tips
Make Love work with our love tactics and strategies! YOU too can manifest your own True Love and True Life Companion ON DEMAND if you would only know HOW! My TELL-ALL Manual reveals all the secrets I've been teaching people at my own relationship centre that I run...Love Tactics and Strategies That Work! Get your True Love ON DEMAND today!

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Love Tips: How To Manifest In the NOW! (Part 2)

If you’re going to play this game, you’re going to have to learn how to align with that. The same whether it’s a material item or buying something, or it’s a soul mate, whatever, again, there is a season. There’s a tide in the affairs of men. There’s a tide in the affairs of the Universe. It may not be the same as your idea or your ego’s idea of when is highest and best.

When manifesting things, there are a lot of things to consider: Being in the process versus the result; being in the now versus being in the past or the future; being detached to the timing and detached to the reality of what you’re dealing with, because if you’re trying to manifest something, you may not be satisfied with your reality, but if you’re in resistance to it, then that will cause you a lot of stress and cause you to fall out of the now. It will not allow you to sense what is Universally supportive, because there are certain things of which the Universe is quite supportive.

In other words the Universe seems to have an agenda. That agenda is bases on highest and best for all. Now the good news is that Highest and Best for all means “Highest and Best” for you, however our ego may not get what the Universe is supporting for you is your “highest and best”.

There are things of which the Universe is not supportive. So you have to know the difference and be able to be at peace, aware and not spinning on the result or getting out of the now, being wound up or trying to mentally urge something to happen faster than it’s supposed to happen.

In that sense, the quicker you understand that, the easier things will go.

One of the books that would help you in organizing your thinking around this and understanding of this is Scovel Shinn’s book The Game of Life.

To manifest something, you need fearless faith, nonresistance and love. The way you use love in this formula is to love where you are, to love what your creation is or your new desire is. You need to love everybody in the existing reality and focus on highest and best for all. Fearless faith is basically understanding the system. It’s not blind faith.

If you access the system correctly, what you want that is a soul desire, that is highest and best for you, will come in.

And if what you want isn’t coming in in the moment you want, then it’s a matter of divine timing, not your timing. If you’re detached from that, you won’t lose faith or start being doubtful or fearful.

So fearless faith is love and nonresistance to the existing reality and to the mechanism or flow or synchronicity, the pathway or methodology that the Universe uses to get there. It’s not a linear thing.

Many times, people thing it’s A to B, and if it isn’t going A to B, they try to control it from A to B because of the logical ego mind. It’s not that at all. It’s a whole new way of looking at everything. You must allow the Universe to handle the details.

Allow the Universe to handle it in its own way, and don’t resist the timing of it. Don’t be obsessing about the results or trying to urge the results.

~ Robby Bilton

Authentic Marriage Counseling Would you like to KEEP Him or Her for life? Get ALL the answers in here! Disocver how you can bring NEW PASSION to a long time relationship, heal a broken heart, or even BREAK DOWN barriers that are keeping you and your partner apart! My strategies have been used successfully by people in the REAL WORLD, people who are facing REAL LIFE challenges just like you! Find out how we have helped thousands of couples and individuals find and keep their relationships. Get your Marriage Help here!

What Women Want Do you know that most relationship or marriage can be long lasting if ONLY you would understand the Woman in your life? Know what your dream girl want today!


Love Tips: How To Manifest In the NOW! (Part 1)

Today, we are providing you a copy of the transcript I’ve done for my clients and customers. It’ll provide you some insights into how to manifest in the now and get in tune with the Universe to get what you want in your love relationship. This is provided in 3 parts, so be sure you check back here to retrieve the latest copy.

In this audio we’re going to continue talking about manifesting in the now and aligning with the Universe, and being in tune with the infinite. We talked in the last tape about being in the now and not resisting reality. As you know, all stress is resistance to reality, and it may be a reality that you don’t really like.

Once you are in the now and you’re not resisting reality and you’re not focused on the result, you’re not pushing or mentally urging yourself to the result, but focused on the process – and yes, the result is there; you have clarity of vision and an idea of what you want, but you’re totally open to it. You’re surfing the uncertainty and you’re open to something higher and better, in fact. So when you’re doing that, you can then sense the flow of the Universe and what it will support, because the Universe will support certain directions.

There is a life flow, a Universal flow. There is a tide in the affairs of men, and with the Universe, it’s the nature of the Universe is a certain thing. It’s actually like nature. So it has seasons and cycles. So one of the things that we want to talk about in this tape is how metaphysics and manifesting is nature; it’s about nature more so than anything else.

Now, I didn’t mean “the nature of the Universe,” I mean “nature of the Universe” in the sense that the Universe is nature, it’s natural, and it’s cyclical.

So a lot of times I would get discouraged when I shifted from a competitive adversarial paradigm to a metaphysical paradigm because I wanted to manifest a result right now. But I didn’t understand the concept of seasons. Now, all of us, even if we’re not farmers, we sort of understand the concept of seasons.

There is a season for everything. Like in the spring you plant. You don’t plant in the winter. There’s a certain season for it. Then once you plant it, there’s a certain season for harvest. Harvest is in the summer and fall. That’s a season; it’s a certain timing of things. So I would try to force things and manifest things outside the season.

For example, I’d get a soul desire – whether it’s an ego desire or a soul desire – and I’d have the feeling and clarity and detachment for it, and then I would allow the Universe to unfold and support that direction. Then I would get impatient and lose the “now,” fall out of the stream and resist that it wasn’t happening, because I forgot about seasons. Maybe what I was manifesting has a season, a divine timing.

A lot of us don’t think in those terms. We don’t think in Universal terms. We don’t think in highest and best for all; we just thing about, “Hey, that’s my desire. I want it now.” Sometimes there’s ego-based seasons. For example, if I’m selling a home or buying a home, I’ll think, “Well, maybe I should do that in the spring because the market is better.”

That would be an ego interpretation of timing. It may not be the highest and best from a Universal point of view or a nature point of view, or the highest and best for all point of view.

To be continued in Part 2, stay tuned!

~ Robby Bilton

Authentic Marriage Counseling Would you like to KEEP Him or Her for life? Get ALL the answers in here! Discover how you can bring NEW PASSION to a long time relationship, heal a broken heart, or even BREAK DOWN barriers that are keeping you and your partner apart! My strategies have been used successfully by people in the REAL WORLD, people who are facing REAL LIFE challenges just like you! Find out how we have helped thousands of couples and individuals find and keep their relationships. Get your Marriage Help here!

What Women Want Do you know that most relationship or marriage can be long lasting if ONLY you would understand the Woman in your life? Know what your dream girl want today!

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