Friday, August 18, 2006
Self-Questions to be asked Before Making Friendship
If you do decide it's time to take your friendship a step further, then here are some things to think about. It may save you a great deal of time and effort: -
Ask yourself these questions::
* Do you feel you know the person well?
* Have they answered all your question?
* Are they patient, good humored and fun?
* Do you trust them?
* Have they applied any pressure on you?
* Do you know what they do for a living, and the area they live in?
* Do you know about their background and family?
* Have you seen their photo and have you more than one photo of them in different situations?
* Have you spoken on the phone?
* Are you sure they have described themselves truthfully?
If you can answer YES to these happily then maybe it is time to meet. Only you can decide that. Think about these general dating rules, and act upon them if you think they are a good idea :-
Tell a person close to you about the meeting. Tell them where you are going, when you are meeting them, where the meeting will take place, what time you will be returning. Give a person close to you as much information as you can. If you have a mobile phone or are close to a pay phone then perhaps call to say you are fine and that everything is great.
Agree to meet in a public place first. Perhaps a restaurant or bar or somewhere where there are plenty of other people. Agree to meet somewhere that you know, in familiar surroundings where you can relax and enjoy the meeting. You could arrange to have other friends in the same place but at a distance, so you feel more relaxed.
Do not agree to be collected from work or home, and make your own way there and home on the first occasion. Perhaps get a friend to take you there and collect you afterwards.
Restrict the time of the first meeting. Perhaps a lunch hour or a short time after work. This is useful if you decide that the situation is not favorable and you need to leave.
If at any point you wish to leave then do so. Do not feel obliged to stay and find yourself feeling awkward. If you do not feel relaxed then you will not enjoy the date. You owe it to yourself to feel happy and relaxed, and it is possible that it may take a few meetings with different people before you find that special person.
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